Easy fried mozzarella salad with a “Hugo” dressing and Mead

Salad and Mead

When it is hot outside, all you want is a cold drink and a fresh salad, isn’t that right? Not all salads are equally refreshing … this fried mozzarella salad with Hugo dressing is beyond fresh and delicious. Life is too short for bland salads anyway! Let’s dive in!

Ingredients for 2 beautiful plates of salad:

  • Two handfuls of leafy greens
  • 2 large ripe tomatoes
  • Dry mead from Honigweine Jere
  • Balsamic glaze

Fried Mozzarella

  • 150g of baby mozzarella
  • 1 egg
  • 100g of white flour
  • 100g of breadcrumbs
  • Approx. 2 dl of vegetable oil
  • Salt, dry basil

Hugo Dressing

  • 150g of full-fat yogurt
  • 75ml olive oil
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon & its lemon peel
  • 25g of a white onion
  • Elderflower syrup to taste (approx. 8 cl)
  • Salt
Salad and dry Mead

Fried mozzarella salad with a “Hugo” dressing and Mead in just 3 steps!

Step 1: The Hugo dressing

Making this epic dressing is super easy! You just need to add all the ingredients (yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice + peel, onion, and elderflower syrup) into a mixer and press start. We recommend putting less lemon and syrup in the beginning. When you stop mixing, simply make a taste test and add the rest if you feel that it is needed. Salt to taste.

Step 2: The Fried Mozzarella

Heat the vegetable oil to approx. 160°C in a high yet small pot. Prepare three deep plates, one with flour, the second with an egg, and the third with breadcrumbs. Add some salt and dry basil to the egg. Now take the baby mozzarella out of the package and dip it first into flour, then egg, and lastly breadcrumbs. To prevent the mozzarella from coming in contact with hot oil and possibly bursting, you need to make sure that it is all perfectly covered in the breading. We usually repeat the breading process two times in a row. You can now pace the breaded balls of cheese into the oil. They will get slightly brown in the next 5-10 seconds. When they do, take them out immediately and place them onto a paper towel.

Step 3: Plating

Place the thin tomato slices on the plate. Grab a handful of leafy greens and mix them with the dressing. Put the rest of the dressing into the fridge as you will probably want to use it on other salads throughout the week:) Add the fried, hot mozzarella balls to the side and pour some balsamic dish over the dish. Last but not least, serve the salad with chilled dry Mead by Honigweine Jere.

Tomato Fried Mozarella Salad

Wow, this Hugo homemade dressing tastes so good as it is creamy, slightly sweet but also slightly sour. The whole salad smells like elderflower and the smell is complemented by the lovely mead aroma. If you want to start eating salads more frequently, this is definitely the way to go!

What about a raspberry salad with goat cheese?

If you liked this salad you might want to check out this amazing raspberry salad! The two things that make this salad especially delicious are the homemade dressing and the slightly roasted goat cheese.

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